Sunday, 23 September 2012

Fabulous Fabric

I had a wonderful day today. Danielle and I went to Charlotte's to help Annie fold fat quarters for her booth at the knitting and stitching show. It was so lovely to see so many different fabrics, and so tempting! Lots of the fabrics were more beautiful than they look online, there are so many that I really want to buy now. Look at all this fabric yumminess


If you are coming to the knitting and stitching show do stop by Annie's booth and say hi, it is number J22 The Village Haberdashery

As an added bonus, not only did we have boxes of wonderful fabric to play with, we also had Charlotte's adorable Vizsla puppy, Katie. Isn't she just the most gorgeous puppy ever!!! Even though I love my two kitties I still wish I could have a dog


I also did some sewing but as it is a present for a friend I want to keep it a suprise until I give it to her tomorrow. Can you guess what it is?

Starts with a B, ends with a G and has an A in the middle (I am so predictable!).

Have a great week :)


  1. awwww! Katie got blogged!!!! Shame it's not smellivision ;-)

  2. OH MY GOODNESS Katie is getting so big!!! And I am so jealous you got to play with fabric today - I couldn't make it :( I'll see you at Ali Palli though!!

  3. Oh that does look fun! All that lovely fabric to stroke, mmmm. And a puppy to boot! So cute.

    Still loving the bag making "disease" ha ha! I wish I could catch it - I am still too scared to chop into my Melody Miller! It's just too nice.

  4. I am gutted I missed this! Look forward to seeing your latest baggy vreation ;-)
